Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Holy of Holies

It was a day of Celebration when the ark was brought into the temple. It's house was a tent for many years and God was happy to now have a place of residence that wasn't portable. When the ark was placed in the temple the entire place was filled with the cloud. The text says "The priest could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God." What a picture, God's presence was so intense that the priest couldn't accomplish anything that day.
I wonder if they walked into the temple weeks or years later and forgot about that awesome day and continued with their work not acknowledging God's presence?
For many years God's presence resided in the temple until Jesus' work on the cross when the curtain was torn from top to bottom. I know from the biblical story that there is no where you can go to get away from God's presence, but often times in the business of life I unintentionally do not acknowledge his presence.
When Mandi and I moved into our new house I chose a room that would become my "Holy of Holies" a special place reserved for me to enter and intentionally acknowledge the presence of God. This little nook of the back of our house would be a perfect toy room for our almost one year old, but I want to keep it a place that is set apart to God. I spend many morning and late evenings in here reading, jouranling, visioneering, and just sitting, it is refreshing.
I look forward to the day when I will experience God's presence in its fullest extent. When I will be unable to stand like those priest blown away by His presence. Do you have a Holy of Holies? You should get one...

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