Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jesus, The Remedy for God's Wrath

I finished 2 Chronicles the other day. It a fascinating book. It is cool to see how all humanity really fits into the story. We mess up and are unfaithful and need a hero to come and save us. A lot of times though we don't see who that hero is, but he still continues to pursue us.
In Chapter 36 Israel not long before was a very prosperous nation under one of their greatest kings Josiah. But they again very quickly became an evil nation who were not the light to the gentiles they were intended to be. The story says they followed all the abominations of the other nations, and polluted the temple. That's not a very good verse describing Israel! But that verse that follows is such a sweet verse about God. It says God came passionately and persistently to them even though they mocked his messengers. God remains faithful when we are faithless. It goes on to say that after God pursued them that "the wrath of God rose against his people until there was No Remedy." God's wrath was so intense that there was nothing they could do about it. To us as readers if we only read that verse and did not see the entire story of the Bible it would seem that all hope is lost for us. The good and joyous news is as we read on further in the story we see that "when fullness of time had come, God sent his son." Jesus Christ came to earth to be the remedy for God's wrath because of our sins. Jesus fixed my relationship with God by totally absorbing God's wrath on the cross like a sponge. Jesus saved me from myself and gives hope for all of humanity that God did not give up on us but sent his son to remedy God's wrath and to pay for our sins. How can you read that and say that God is not good?

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